
Tired of Farming games on Facebook. Want to try a new and exciting game. Talkie have produced a new game for Facebook fans. Try playing Ectopia to be free from boredom. Unlike any other building and farming games. Ectopia is a lot different. Because upon playing Ectopia you will literally start from a scratch or trash. Read this article and have some tips and hints about this awesome game.

Ectopia is a environmental friendly games. And it is best played by the young ones. Because the game play of Ectopia evolves around on how take care of the surroundings, teaches you how to recycle and some environmental friendly stuffs. 

As a matter of fact there is a Green Act mechanic in the game. Green Act mechanic is as the same as Green Act Mechanic on real world. I can say that instead of letting your child play violent game, its way more better if you let him play games which he/she would learn good stuffs and teach him how to take care of the environment.

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