
I’m sure you’ve heard of the hit TV series Jeopardy. GSN brings the excitement and thrill on Facebook. We all know that many game producers have tried to produce games which is alike or the same as the hit TV series but they somehow failed to deliver. But we can say that these Facebook version of Jeopardy is has a big difference in the other earlier Jeopardy game version that was released. Because this Facebook version of Jeoardy doesn’t have the problems like repeating questions and it offers serious challenges and trivia for the gamers making it exciting and not boring.

If you’re a fan of the TV series Jeopardy, it is not hard for you to understand the game play and game mechanics of Jeopardy on Facebook because it has the same options and mechanics. There are three rounds, in the first round you will be given six trivia categories with five choices and clues. Remember that each clue has a value to it. The player will have to answer a question on the category that he/she chooses. Each category has a dollar value, so be sure to pick a category that you can afford. of course in every right answer you make you will be receiving a reward. In some occasions one of the categories will trigger a Daily Double which means that a player must wager at least $5 on their answer to a certain question on that category.  If you’re a good player you should try to get low value clues in a difficult category or question and put a high value clues in the questions or category that your are good at. The higher the level goes the more difficult the questions become. 

Unlike in other Jeopardy games that are released that are very easy to finish because the questions are just repeated which makes it boring, Jeopardy on Facebook is entirely different. Because questions given to a player is at random and the questions are not given repeatedly which makes it mind bugling and exciting to play. It is fun to play with a friend at your side so that you can share ideas about a certain category or questions, it would also be a good game for those people who are funned of Question and Answer games. So we are suggesting that you should try playing Jeopardy on Facebook because its worth a try and you wont regret it.

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