NBA Dynasty

For all you NBA fans out there ! I’m sure you will be surprised about these awesome new news from Facebook. Pladom will be launching a new game on Facebook entitled NBA dynasty.

You don’t actually play a Basket Ball game on NBA Dynasty instead you will be as a manager and a coach of your own team. You will be creating a team play and win games according to your own game plan and earning money which you can use in improving or upgrading your teams stats.  You can also use t\your money in upgrading your talent of your Team members, expand and upgrade your arena and home court.

What makes NBA Dynasty amazing is it gives you the option to acquire current players or load and team up with NBA legends. There are various NBA character players to choose from. The best part of it is you can choose whether you will recruit the old version of that NBA super star or its current version, example if you want to recruit Dwayne Wade on your team, you can choose on either the Dwayne Wades today or the Dwayne Wade when he has just a rookie. Which means you can recruit two Dwayne Wade on your team. 

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